Goethe’s adit in Komorní hůrka

About location

In the low hill Komorní hůrka near Františkovy Lázně, there is a tunnel known as Goethe’s adit. It is the entrance to the interior of an extinct volcano excavated in 1837 by Count Kašpar Maria Šternberk. The aim of this tunnel was to study the formation of Komorní hůrka; specifically, to distinguish between a volcanic origin, or a depositional origin on an ancient seabed. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, after whom the adit is named, gave impetus to the excavation and contributed to the scientific explanation it revealed. In 1951, Komorní hůrka became a national natural monument.

The adit collapsed over time and became filled with rubble and waste. In 2016, members of the Institute of Geophysics, together with people from the Karlovy Vary region and Františkovy Lázně, began to renovate the gallery so that it could be re-opened to the public.


Goethe's adit, Komorní hůrka